
What Causes Arthritis & How Arthritis Pain Can Be Managed?

Bones and joints are the basic frameworks of the human body. These are the prime components that add structure to the human body and facilitate locomotion. But due to several disorders like osteoporosis and arthritis, the bones and joints are severely compromised.

This article brings you a guide that can help you be aware of everything about arthritis, including its symptoms, causes, and potential ways for management. Read on to find more.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a disorder associated with joints. It is commonly referred to as the inflammation of joints. It is characterized by the degeneration of joints of the body, especially the knee joint and the tissues and muscles surrounding them [1].

The symptoms of different types of arthritis differ from one another. However, common symptoms are:

  • Pain and discomfort in joints
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Stiffness

Arthritis usually affects aged people. However, it can also develop in younger people. There are several different kinds of arthritis, approximately more than 100, depending upon the severity and site.

What Are The Different Types Of Arthritis?

The following are different and most commonly occurring types of arthritis:

1. Osteoarthritis: The most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis affects the cartilage of the joints and connective tissues, causing wear and tear damage. Osteoarthritis causes the grinding of joint bones to result in restricted and painful motion. This causes severe inflammation and deterioration of joint muscles and tissues [2].

2. Juvenile Arthritis usually affects younger people by weakening their immune systems. The immune system starts attacking the joint tissues and muscles, causing severe inflammation.

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis: In this type, the immune system targets the outer membrane of the joint capsule (synovial membrane) that envelopes all the joint elements. This results in an inflamed synovial membrane. It eventually destroys the whole cartilage and bones of the joints [3].

Apart from these, there are several other different types like psoriatic arthritis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.

Causes Of Arthritis:

The following are some possible causes of developing arthritis:
1.    Age: Certain types of arthritis are associated with age, like osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is common among females and occurs due to low estrogen levels in older females.
2.    Diet: Poor diet can increase the risk of arthritis. Diet rich with purine like seafood and meat contributes to causing gout.
3.    Immune System Dysfunction: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder and is caused when the immune system starts attacking its tissues and cells [4].

Other different causes that contribute to developing arthritis include family history, past injury, and lifestyle.

Treatment & Management:

The treatment of arthritis helps alleviate pain, improves joint function, and minimizes joint inflammation. Following are some potential treatment and management ways for arthritis:

1.    Medications: Medications reduce pain and repair joint damage in patients with moderate joint inflammation. Different analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), counter-irritants, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), corticosteroids, etc., help in disease management.
2.    Physical Therapy: It helps strengthen the weakened joint muscles and restores motility. This improves flexibility and strength and increases the strength of muscles.
3.    Lifestyle Changes: Lifestyle has a huge impact in maintaining arthritis like a balanced good diet and exercise works amazingly in improving joint function.
4.    Joint Replacement Surgery: Surgery is a great option for patients with severe joint damage that is negatively impacting motility and causing severe pain. With joint replacement surgery, joints are eliminated, and the bones are fused [5].

The Bottom Line:
There is no perfect cure for arthritis, but potential treatment methods can help alleviate the inflammation. Arthritis is undoubtedly a painful condition, but several ways can help manage the pain and the condition. An arthritic patient needs to have a qualified doctor at all times that can monitor their symptoms and condition.


  1. Reginster JY. The prevalence and burden of arthritis. Rheumatology 2002;41:3–6.
  2. Wieland HA, Michaelis M, Kirschbaum BJ, Rudolphi KA. Osteoarthritis — an untreatable disease? Nat Rev Drug Discov 2005;4:331–44.
  3. McInnes IB, Schett G. The Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. N Engl J Med 2011;365:2205–19.
  4. Komatsu N, Takayanagi H. Chapter 2 - Autoimmune Arthritis: The Interface Between the Immune System and Joints. In: Alt FWBT-A in I, editor. vol. 115, Academic Press; 2012, p. 45–71.
  5. Hawker GA. Who, when, and why total joint replacement surgery? The patient’s perspective. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2006;18.

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