Long-term Contractual Services

Long term Contractual Services

At American Wellness Center, we are dedicated to enhancing the mental health and well-being of your workforce through our specialized long-term and yearly contractual programs. Our comprehensive approach is designed to meet the unique needs of each employer and their employees, offering special discounted prices, priority booking of appointments, and detailed monthly reports while upholding the utmost confidentiality. Here is a step-by-step guide to our services, emphasizing our team's qualifications, our medical team's capabilities, and our commitment to multiculturalism and multilingual support.

Introduction to Our Services

At the American Wellness Center, we understand the critical importance of mental health in achieving overall employee well-being and productivity. We offer long-term and yearly contractual programs tailored to employers seeking to provide their employees with priority access to mental health services and basic health checkups. Our programs are designed to support your workforce with a comprehensive suite of services that cater to mental, emotional, and physical health needs.

What we offer:

At the American Wellness Center, our approach is to offer a seamless, efficient, and effective solution to mental health care, providing your employees with the highest quality of service under one roof. This holistic strategy not only saves time, energy, and resources but also ensures continuity of care, as our clinicians become familiar with each individual's history, allowing for more personalized and effective treatment plans.

Mental Health services:

The cornerstone of our services is our team of mental health clinicians, each bringing a wealth of experience and expertise in mental health care. Our multicultural professionals are highly qualified to address a wide range of mental disorders, emotional challenges, and overall well-being issues. From psychologists and psychiatrists to counselors and wellness experts, our team is equipped to provide comprehensive care that addresses everyone’s needs.

  • Special Discounted Prices and Priority Booking
    We recognize the financial implications of not having mental health support for organizations, I. terms of manpower loss due to sick leaves and decreased productivity. Hence, we offer special discounted prices to employers who commit to long-term or yearly contracts. This arrangement not only makes mental health services more accessible but also ensures priority booking of appointments, allowing your employees to receive timely and effective care without unnecessary delays.
  • Medical Team Collaboration for Basic Health Checkups
    Recognizing the interconnection between physical and mental health, our medical team offers basic health checkups like BMI, Blood Pressure , Vital Signs , Diabetic screening, physiotherapy awareness  as part of our comprehensive care package (based on need and contract). This holistic approach ensures that employees receive complete care, which can identify potential health issues early and integrate physical health management with mental health strategies.
  • Comprehensive Care Under One Roof
    Our services are designed to be comprehensive and inclusive, providing mental, emotional, and physical health care all under one roof. This integrated approach means employees can access a variety of services without the need to seek out multiple providers, ensuring consistency in the quality of care received. Our clinicians, familiar with the employees' health history, can tailor treatment plans more effectively, addressing the unique needs of everyone.
  • Multiculturalism and Multilingual Support
    Our team's diversity is one of our greatest strengths. With clinicians from various cultural backgrounds and fluency in multiple languages, we are uniquely positioned to serve a diverse workforce. This multicultural and multilingual capacity allows us to provide personalized care that respects each employee's cultural and linguistic needs, fostering a sense of comfort and understanding that is crucial for effective mental health support.
  • Commitment to Confidentiality
    Maintaining the confidentiality of our patients is a fundamental principle at American Wellness Center. We ensure that all information shared during sessions is kept strictly confidential, respecting the privacy and trust of each individual who seeks our services.
  • Continuous Support and Accessibility
    Our team is committed to offering continuous support to our clients. Whether it's through face-to-face sessions, virtual consultations, or our priority booking system, we strive to be accessible whenever our services are needed. Our goal is to provide consistent, reliable support to help navigate the challenges of mental health and well-being.
  • Tailored Wellness Programs (Online)
    Understanding that each organization has unique needs, we work closely with employers to tailor our wellness programs. This collaborative approach ensures that our services align with your organizational goals and the specific needs of your employees, creating a supportive environment that encourages mental health and well-being.
  • Monthly Reports and Feedback
    Our commitment to supporting employers includes providing detailed monthly reports that offer insights into the overall mental health trends within your organization. These reports are generated with the highest respect for patient confidentiality, ensuring that individual employee information remains private. The feedback we provide is aimed at helping employers understand the broader mental health landscape of their workforce and adjust their wellness strategies accordingly.
  • Yearly Comprehensive Workplace Analysis
    Based on the data collected throughout the year, we offer to provide employers with a yearly report that includes a comprehensive analysis of the workplace environment. This report identifies any root causes or systems that may need to be addressed to improve employee well-being. Our findings are presented in an honest yet confidential manner, offering actionable insights to enhance the workplace and foster a healthier, more productive environment.
  • Advancing Employee Health and Well-being
    Our aim is to advance the health and well-being of employees through dedicated, professional care. By addressing mental health needs, providing basic health checkups, and offering a supportive, understanding environment, we help foster a healthier, more productive workforce. Our long-term contractual programs are not just about providing care; they're about enhancing your company's most valuable asset – its human resources. By prioritizing the mental and physical health of your employees, our programs contribute to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more engaged workforce. We work closely with employers to ensure that the specific needs of their employees are met, creating a healthier, more supportive workplace.

At American Wellness Center, we are proud to offer a unique combination of professional expertise, comprehensive care, and a commitment to diversity that sets us apart in the field of mental health and well-being. Our long-term and yearly contractual programs are designed with the employer and employee's needs in mind, ensuring that mental health support is accessible, effective, and respectful of every individual's background and needs. By choosing our long-term contractual programs, you are investing in the well-being of your employees and, by extension, the success of your organization. Together, we can create a healthier, more vibrant workplace where every individual has the support they need to thrive.

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