
Developmental Assessments

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends developmental and behavioral screening for all children during regular well-child visits at these ages:

  • 9 months
  • 18 months
  • 30 months

AAP recommends that all children be screened specifically for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during regular well-child visits at: 18 months 24 months.

Developmental assessments are very important since start . Even after 24 months it’s recommended to keep bringing your child for an assessment if you feel any unusual thing in your child’s behavior. Developmental assessments can be beneficial in:

Identifying and diagnosing a global intellectual delay:

This may include determining the severity of intellectual impairment and evaluating the impact it is having on meeting developmental milestones. Re-administering assessments can also provide a standardised method to monitor an individual’s progress over time.

Developing individualised management programs:

By identifying a child’s strengths and weaknesses, the psychologist can work with parents and teachers to develop interventions to best accommodate their learning and developmental needs.

Accessing additional funding:

The diagnosis of a developmental disability can assist with accessing government funding and school-based funding to provide the necessary support at home and school to best accommodate the child’s needs.

In combination with cognitive assessments:

Developmental assessments can also be administered in conjunction with cognitive assessments to determine whether difficulties in particular areas can be explained by an intellectual disability or learning disorder.

Our team of highly qualified psychologists have the right tools to assess your child and bring forth suggestions according to your child’s situation. To choose a psychologist for your child , visit our website and book an appointment now. It’s always a good plan to invest on your child’s health and future right from the beginning.

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