Wellbeing Checkup

Wellbeing Checkup

What is it?

As a mental and medical health facility at American wellness center we recognize the importance of wellbeing checkups within the corporate sector. These checkups are comprehensive assessments designed to monitor and support the emotional, mental, and physical health of employees. In an era where work-related stress and burnout are increasingly prevalent, implementing regular wellbeing checkups can significantly contribute to a healthier, more productive workforce.

Why wellbeing checkups are important?

Our wellbeing checkup program serves as a preventive measure, identifying potential health issues before they escalate into more serious problems. By assessing employees' mental and physical health regularly we help employers create a supportive work environment that fosters well-being and productivity. This employee wellbeing checkup is not just beneficial for employees; it offers substantial advantages for employers as well, including reduced healthcare costs, decreased absenteeism, and a stronger, more engaged workforce.

How often should these checkups be performed:

For optimal results, it's recommended that employees undergo wellbeing checkups at least once   a year. However, the frequency can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the organization and its employees. Some companies may find value in conducting semi-annual checkups, especially in high-stress industries or during periods of significant organizational change. Regular assessments ensure that employees remain at their best, both mentally and physically, and help to maintain a continuous focus on wellness within the corporate culture.

What we offer:

Our experienced, highly professional, and well-trained clinicians from mental and medical health departments have designed this comprehensive wellbeing checkup using data and research available. This wellbeing program encompasses several key areas to provide a holistic view of an employee's health:

  • Mental Health Assessment: This includes screenings for common mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. After the screening based on results, our mental health professionals offer counselling and recommend interventions to support employees' emotional wellbeing.
  • Physical Health Examination: This wellbeing program includes a basic physical exam, including checks on vital signs, blood pressure checks, cholesterol levels, diabetes screening, body mass index (BMI) calculations, heart health,  basic blood tests and potential chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension though family physician / internal medicine. These screenings aim to identify risk factors for chronic diseases early on and in identifying any physical health issues that might affect an employee's performance and wellbeing. This program includes exercises and techniques from Physiotherapy to train employees how they can deal with physical stress and fatigue to stay active and fit.
  • Lifestyle Assessment: Our wellbeing program includes guidance on lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, sleep patterns through dietitian and nutritionist who provides insights into areas where improvements can be made to support overall health.
  • Ergonomic Assessments: Considering the impact of the physical work environment on health, ergonomic assessments can help in identifying and mitigating risks related to workplace setup and repetitive strain injuries.
  • Personalized Feedback and Resources: Following the checkup, employees receive personalized feedback along with resources and recommendations for improving their health. This might include referrals to counselling services, comprehensive assessments or other healthcare professionals based on needs.

What are the benefits of Wellbeing Checkup?

Investing in wellbeing checkups is not merely a health initiative; it's a strategic business decision. Beyond the tangible benefits of reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs, wellbeing checkups contribute to a culture of wellness that permeates every level of the organization. They enable employers to address the holistic needs of their workforce, leading to a more satisfied, productive, and resilient team.
The implementation of wellbeing checkups in the corporate sector offers knotty benefits:

  • Enhanced Productivity: Healthy employees exhibit higher levels of engagement, energy, and focus. By addressing health concerns proactively, employees can maintain peak performance, contributing to the organization's overall productivity.
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs: Early detection and intervention can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases, leading to lower healthcare costs for both employees and employers.
  • Improved Employee Retention and Attraction: A commitment to employee wellbeing enhances the organization's reputation, making it more attractive to potential hires and increasing loyalty among current staff.
  • Fostering a Positive Work Culture: Wellbeing checkups signal to employees that their health is a priority, contributing to a positive and supportive work environment.
    For organizations looking to implement wellbeing checkups, partnering with a specialized health facility is key. Our facility offers customized wellbeing programs designed to integrate seamlessly with your organization’s existing wellness initiatives. From planning to execution and follow-up, we provide comprehensive support to ensure your wellbeing checkups are a success.

As a health facility we, American Wellness Center Dubai , located in Dubai Healthcare city (DHCC)  fully licensed by Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Dubai Health Care Authority (DHCA)  we are committed to partnering with employers to design and implement effective wellbeing checkups that meet the unique needs of their workforce. Together, we can create healthier workplaces that thrive on the wellbeing of employees and workforce.

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