Revolutionizing Skin Cancer Treatment: The Efficacy of Mohs Micrographic Surgery Admin February 6, 2024

Revolutionizing Skin Cancer Treatment: The Efficacy of Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Skin cancer is a major health concern, with millions of new cases diagnosed each year worldwide. Among various treatment options, Mohs micrographic surgery has become increasingly popular due to its high success rate and precise approach. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of Mohs surgery, its advantages and disadvantages, and the ideal candidates for this procedure.

What is Mohs Micrographic Surgery?

Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized technique for removing skin cancer, particularly basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Developed by Dr. Frederic Mohs in the 1930s, this procedure combines surgical excision with immediate microscopic examination of the removed tissue to ensure the complete removal of cancerous cells.

How Does Mohs Surgery Work?
The Mohs surgery procedure consists of several steps:
  1. Local anesthesia: The surgeon numbs the area around the skin cancer to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure.
  2. Tumor removal: The surgeon removes the visible tumor and a thin layer of surrounding tissue.
  3. Tissue mapping: The removed tissue is carefully divided into sections and mapped to maintain proper orientation.
  4. Microscopic examination: A specially trained Mohs technician processes the tissue and prepares slides for examination under a microscope.
  5. Margin assessment: The Mohs surgeon examines the slides to determine if any cancerous cells remain at the surgical margins.
  6. Additional layers: If cancerous cells are found at the margins, the surgeon repeats steps 2-5 until all margins are clear of cancer.
  7. Wound closure: Once clear margins are achieved, the surgeon repairs the wound using appropriate reconstructive techniques.
What are the benefits of Mohs Micrographic Surgery?
  1. High cure rate: Mohs surgery boasts a 97-99% success rate for primary BCC and SCC, making it one of the most effective skin cancer treatments available.
  2. Tissue preservation: As the procedure targets only cancerous cells, it maximizes the preservation of healthy tissue, reducing scarring and disfigurement.
  3. Immediate results: The same-day microscopic examination allows for immediate feedback, reducing the need for follow-up appointments or additional surgeries.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: Although Mohs surgery may have a higher upfront cost, its effectiveness in removing skin cancer in one procedure can result in lower long-term costs.
Who are the ideal Candidates for Mohs Micrographic Surgery?
Mohs surgery is best suited for patients with:
  1. High-risk or aggressive skin cancers.
  2. Skin cancers located in cosmetically or functionally important areas, such as the face, hands, or feet.
  3. Recurrent skin cancers.
  4. Skin cancers with poorly defined borders.

Mohs micrographic surgery is an innovative and effective method for treating skin cancer, particularly BCC and SCC. With a high success rate and a focus on tissue preservation, it has become the gold standard for certain types of skin cancer. However, it is crucial to consult with a qualified dermatologist or Mohs surgeon to determine if this procedure is the best option for your specific case.

Located in Dubai Healthcare City, the American Wellness Center is a pivotal hub for dermatological excellence. The Dermatology Department echoes the center’s holistic health ethos, specializing in cutting-edge treatments like Mohs micrographic surgery for skin cancer. This department’s skilled team, leveraging advanced techniques and technology, focuses on precise cancer removal while preserving healthy tissue. Their commitment transcends mere treatment, aiming to educate patients on skin health maintenance, underscoring the vital connection between dermatological and overall well-being.