
May - Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, aims to increase public awareness of communication disorders and the range of available therapies that can help those who have difficulty speaking or hearing.

Five percent of the population worldwide has hearing loss, while another five percent has speech difficulties. As a result, spreading much-needed information about communication problems aids in normalizing diseases and informs people about the importance of prevention and getting their hearing checked.

We've listed a few ideas below to get you started. There are many ways to support awareness-building during May Better Speech and Hearing Month.

Improve your habits.

Hearing can be improved by making easy adjustments like lowering your hearing volume, using hearing protection, or planting a tree to act as a noise buffer. To increase your speaking clarity, practice your sentences aloud in front of the mirror or utilize tongue twisters.

Educate through social media and online content.

Sharing knowledge promotes open discussions regarding speech and hearing issues, which increases awareness and understanding. Join American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and other organizations in committing this month to posting educational materials on your websites, blogs, and social media profiles, such as infographics and films.

Share personal stories.

To help spread awareness, if you or a loved one have experienced speech or hearing loss, let others know. In addition to facilitating understanding, telling a story might inspire others to seek assistance if they are going through a similar situation.

As practitioners of paediatric speech/language therapy, we have first-hand knowledge of how speech therapy helps children in understanding, conversing, and interacting with others in the community and at home. Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries about paediatric speech or hearing issues.

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