
Bronchitis (Inflamed Mucous Membrane)

Bronchitis is the inflammatory disease of the bronchi or bronchioles. It results in excessive mucus secretion into the bronchioles, leading to the swelling of bronchiolar walls and narrowing of the bronchioles. There are two major types of bronchitis:

  1. Acute bronchitis
  2. Chronic bronchitis

Acute Bronchitis:

Acute bronchitis usually lasts about two weeks, and the patients recover with no permanent damage to the bronchi or bronchioles. Acute bronchitis is more common in the elderly, infants, and young children. Acute bronchitis is caused by a virus that makes it more likely that a person will suffer the disease during the winter season when viral infections are more common.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis include:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Chest soreness
  • Flu
  • Cold

Chronic Bronchitis:

In chronic bronchitis, the bronchi gradually develop chronic inflammation. This condition is also known as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If the indications of chronic bronchitis last for about three weeks, then a proper checkup is required. This assists the doctor in diagnosing whether the condition is chronic or acute.

Common symptoms of chronic bronchitis include:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • A history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Long term cough with significant mucus production (sputum)
  • A history of smoking
  • Wheezing

What Are The Causes Of Bronchitis?

There are various kinds of factors that can cause bronchitis. The most common causes of both types of bronchitis are explored below:

1.    Viruses and Bacteria: bronchitis is caused by viruses and bacteria that result in flu or cold.
2.    Air pollution: When contaminated with the smoke of factories and vehicles, air contains many harmful pollutants. When these pollutants are inhaled, they cause difficulty breathing and chest tightness.
3.    Strong Irritants: some people are allergic to strong perfumes, dust, pollens, smoke, etc. When they come in contact with these irritants, they are more likely to acquire the symptoms of bronchitis.
4.    Smoking: cigarette smoke contains many harmful chemicals. People having this bad habit can damage their lungs entirely only due to smoking. Consequently, they suffer from bronchitis-like diseases.

How Can Bronchitis Be Treated?

The treatment of bronchitis is different as it depends upon whether the patient has acute or chronic bronchitis.

Treatment Of Acute Bronchitis:

Antibiotics can not be recommended as they are used against bacterial infection (according to the center for disease control and prevention). But bronchitis is caused mainly by viral infection. So treatment includes:

  • A cool-mist humidifier to ease your cough
  • Take complete rest
  • Over-the-counter medication
  • Take steam or hot water.
  • Lots of fluids
  • Quit smoking

Treatment Of Chronic Bronchitis:

Unluckily, chronic bronchitis can not be treated completely. Treatment of chronic bronchitis involves managing and reducing symptoms. In this regard, pulmonary rehabilitation lifestyle changes may help you. Doctors also suggest:

  • Steroids that helps to treat inflammation
  • Mucolytic medicines that thin out the mucus
  • Inhalers and breathing treatment
  • Bronchodilators that helps to open up the airways

When there is no option left to treat chronic bronchitis, surgery (lung transplant, lung volume reduction therapy) is done in some rare cases.


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