
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy

Is spinal decompression therapy (SDT) the answer to your chronic neck and back pain?

If you wake up every morning with back and neck pain, spend your entire day sulking in pain and taking medications for pain relief and cannot do your normal activities, then non-surgical SDT is the answer for your chronic pain.

How does spinal decompression therapy work?

SDT is non-invasive, comfortable and most importantly safe, its a viable alternative to surgery for those who are not willing to undergo an aggressive surgical procedure.  If you have not responded to any other forms of treatment and therapies, SDT maybe the answer for chronic pain.  This therapeutic procedure gently stretches the spine taking the pressure off the spinal discs and nerves.   It relaxes the muscles and applies decompression forces to your vertebrae relieving the pressure and as spine stretch, the pressure is lessened within affected disc.  It is computer guided treatment and customized for each individual patient.

Non- Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy

Who will benefit from spinal decompression therapy?

Patients suffering with any of the below will see benefits from SDT treatment:

  1. Degenerative or bulging disc disease.
  2. Osteo arthritis.
  3. Sciatica.
  4. Neck pain and back pain.
  • Prior to SDT, patients are thoroughly examined by our pain specialists and physiotherapists with review of MRI and X-ray, to ascertain the level of spinal discs affected.
  • This process serves to gently stretch the spine and create a vacuum that pulls the disc back into its proper location and shape.
  • Re-aligning the disc in this manner can reduce pain and promote healing.
  • In the first instance, it may take up to 20 treatments to relieve the pain.
  • If the treatment is successful, further treatment sessions are needed to maintain the relief.

What are the mechanisms of SDT?

SDT promotes reduction in intradiscal pressure leading to retraction and repositioning of the herniated or bulging disc restoring re-hydration.

Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy sessions must be followed by physical therapy session which generally includes stretching/strengthening/mobility exercises to enhance the patient’s recovery of pain and to improve the activities of daily living.

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